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Two policewoman heifers apprehended the offender. Instead of reading him his rights, they started jerking off and sucking his dick. One at a time. They were choking on it. Drooling. Then they made them lick their pussies and fuck them. They didn't sit around doing nothing either. While he was working them, licking each other. That's what I call law enforcement. Wouldn't mind a bust like that myself.
No, to turn in a thief to the police, the mature security guard decides to use her official duties and conduct a personal search by herself. In doing so, she got really excited and aroused the man. After such hot passionate sex the thief will not be held legally responsible, and probably will look into the supermarket more than once with his big hard cock.
Thief punished by a huge cock amazingly, and judging by the way she sucks it, she even enjoyed this punishment.